Reports of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated!
Several of you have been enquiring as to my safety after last night’s steam pipe explosion here in New York City. As many of you know, I work only three blocks from where the explosion occurred and use the subway at Grand Central Terminal to get to and from my office.
I am fine. In fact, I passed right by the spot where the explosion occurred on my way into Grand Central mere minutes before the incident. When I got home and turned on the nightly news, I watched incredulously as the street on which I had just been was reduced to something eerily reminiscent of 9/11.
For those people in the surrounding buildings, including my own office building, it was a terrifying experience. Not knowing what was going on, people were told to flee the area. Entire blocks were evacuated. My co-workers say there was panic in the streets as people, covered in dust and debris, fled for, what they thought might be their lives.
The footage was spectacular. The plume of steam engulfed midtown and rose higher than the nearby Chrysler Building. At its base, it was like something volcanic, sending torrents of putrid water gushing from a crater that had engulfed vehicles and opened a massive sinkhole in the street.
This morning there is a frozen zone — a quarantined area — encompassing that section of midtown. Nearby subways have been shut down. Turns out my office is mere feet outside the zone so I’ll be heading to work shortly, though, with no subway service in the immediate vicinity, I’ve got some walking ahead of me.
Thanks for your e-mails of concern.