Happy New Year!

This weekend marks Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish new year and the beginning of 10 days of repentance before God and man leading to Yom Kippur.
It is a holiday that I, as a Christian, have never before celebrated. But as with the kosher lifestyle and each Sabbath I've kept the past month, I observed Rosh Hashanah with my cousin and her husband.
Haim came to the United States from Israel to study music. He fell in love with Monica. She converted to Judaism during an arduous two year process and they were married soon after. If you've seen the delightful Keeping the Faith you know their story. Minus the priest. And the karaoke.
At sundown Friday night, we sat at the table and Haim prayed in Hebrew. The meal we sat down to included new fruits, round challah bread symbolizing the cycle of the year and apples dipped in honey to signify a sweet new year.
It was a beautiful evening and I've been honored to worship beside them. I look forward to doing so often in the upcoming years.
Happy new year and may it be sweet and full of the forgiveness of God and your fellow man.
Thanks for the lovely post about the New Year! So glad you were there to help celebrate!
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